The image above is of Royal Holloway College, near Egham, part of the University of London. It's the venue for the Romantic Novelist Association (RNA) Conference for 2024. I'm delighted to be attending the conference this year, excited to be with fellow authors who write in romance genres. I'm not currently writing what I'd call pure romance but my Silver Sampler Series being SAGA writing crosses quite few genres, including those of historical and romance. Meeting up with other SAGA authors will be excellent, though that's not my real purpose for attending. I've been a member of the RNA since about 2015 and, to date, have mainly participated in events only in Scotland. It's past time for me to venture further to actually meet lots of the authors I've become familiar with via social media. Sadly, I'm awful at remembering names and hope that name badges will help me identify faces I recognise! Updates to follow after my visit.