My Celtic Fervour Series is published with Ocelot Press and is available across the Amazon Network (6 books) in eBook and paperback formats.
They can also be read #FREE with KindleUnlimited on Amazon.
The novels can also be ordered in paperback formats from bookstores globally.
For relevant blog posts and details about the series, you'll find lots of information on my BLOG. Use the search facility to find specific posts about each book or the historical themes covered in the novels.
To access the back cover blurbs and more information on the series CLICK the links for each book:
#0The Prequel- Before Beltane
#1 The Beltane Choice
#2 After Whorl: Bran Reborn
#3 After Whorl: Donning Double Cloaks
#4 Agricola's Bane
#5 Beathan the Brigante
My Amazon Author page is HERE for all of my novels